America...we really need to talk about our marriage

Healing Unity

America…we really need to talk about our marriage. 

I remember reading years ago about the strongest predictor of divorce.

It isn’t arguing.

It isn’t abuse.’s contempt.

The union of US has always been an imperfect marriage. Forged on soaring principles that it has struggled to live up to. Built on the hard work of many, but the slavery, genocide, and exploitation of many others.

And yet, it has still been a symbol for democracy and the principles of freedom and choice around the world.

To be American is to live with this dialectic everyday - and to seek to form a better and more just society through our actions and choices.

The process of creating a more perfect union isn’t going to be pretty all the time. It needs to involve arguing, expressing righteous anger, identifying problems and injustices, and seeking to solve them. 

Working through the issues in any marriage is going to be uncomfortable and to say that the unlikely marriage of the US has A LOT of issues to work through is an understatement. 

But facing hard truths head on, even if it involves arguments, is a sign of a healthy marriage. 

I’m getting concerned about our union because I’m seeing contempt coming in and replacing disagreement, debates, and arguments.

The New Oxford Dictionary defines contempt as, “The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.”

Contempt, including being “done” is convenient, because it doesn’t require you to do anything or to look at yourself in relation to an issue and is so tempting when you feel burnt out - yet, it is highly destructive for everyone involved.

When someone is expressing contempt towards you, it elicits a stress response in you - and puts you in a state where it’s really hard to take in new information, learn, or make good long term choices. It’s stressful because the contempt tells you that you aren’t safe or worthy of consideration. 

At a small scale, contempt is painful and ends marriages. At a large scale, considering others beneath consideration and worthless is how society moves towards justifying violence, wars, and genocides aimed at specific groups. 

The more we retreat to the convenience of our social media echo chambers and contempt, the more we make unity impossible - and the more the cycles of division, separation, and fear accelerate until we begin to see each other as enemies.

Contempt is part of how we, as a country, are courting divorce. 

Only, the US is a massively polyamorous relationship where there are too many kids, shared dreams, complex assets, and bank accounts to ever figure out a way to split things up without ruining EVERYONE's lives in the process.

There is a long road ahead to deal with structural racism, the pandemic, poverty, corruption, modern day wage slavery, and the catastrophic exploitation of the planet that sits alongside all of them - and we need to face this road together. 

How do we transform contempt into the empathy that is needed to actually transform our country?

You are the most powerful leverage point to change systems - not only through your actions, but also through how you bring your spirit and your soul to finding unity within yourself despite pain. 

Somewhere inside your being you already know your unique role in repairing the shattering in the world.

When you start to heal from your trauma and anxiety, you shine the way for others to heal.

When you show up as a whole person, you inspire others to show up as whole people and have the patience to find common ground. 

When you learn to rebuild the foundations and paradigm of your own inner world from goodness and beauty, the foundations of all systems can be rebuilt. 

And when you remember your purpose and invite others along for the ride, everything is possible.


Gardening and Nurturing the Soul

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Everyday I tend my garden.

I plant seeds and seedlings.

I give them water.

I pull weeds, thin seedlings, and prune bushes and trees.

I add compost, minerals, mycorrhizae, and nutrients.

But the one thing I don’t do as a gardener is GROW PLANTS. 

When they are given the right conditions, plants already know how to grow themselves. 

They know when to sprout, when to focus energy on deeper roots, when to grow larger, when to flower, when to fruit, when to seed, and when to prepare for the fall and winter. 

My work as a spiritual guide and energy healer works the same way.

So many people I meet struggle with stress, anxiety, burnout, trauma, addiction, and other self-sabotaging patterns - despite having outwardly successful lives. 

And when they seek therapy, coaching, or other forms of self-help, they are able to name their problems, but still frequently find themselves stuck in old patterns.

If you come to me for support, I DON’T FIX OR HEAL YOU. 

When you have the right conditions, you already know how to heal yourself, create empowering habits, and live your higher purpose.

The challenge is getting the spiritual education, tools, and experience you need to become a master gardener of your soul. 

I guide you to cultivate the conditions you need to thrive as a whole being - body, soul, and spirit:

🍓To consciously plant what you want to harvest
🌱To clearly see when and where the weeds are sprouting in your mind and emotions - and have the right tools to choose what keep
☀️To nourish yourself with the energy and care you need to thrive
🔥To have the passion and will to nurture your progress everyday


You. Can. Heal.

You can heal.


You don’t have to stay stuck repeating the same patterns and programs. You may stay stuck. But you don’t have to. It is possible to heal, transform, and find joy in life despite pain and trauma.

This can seem like a controversial statement to some people because they have become accustomed to repeating the same mistakes and patterns over and over again despite the best intentions, efforts, and professional interventions.

This client had been to in-patient addiction rehab programs multiple times before she joined our pilot program to bring Modern Mystery School activations and healings to people in recovery.

Over 25 years ago, she was severely burned in a fire while she was sleeping. Due to the PTSD and pain, she was haunted by insomnia and hadn’t slept a full night since then. She also had trauma responses and triggers to many daily experiences like sirens and alarms.

After a single Life Activation session, she slept through the night for the first time.

Then, after an additional 3 advanced healing sessions of Ensofic Reiki, Full Spirit Activation, and Isis Emotional Rebirth Healing, she healed her triggers, calmly navigated experiencing an electrical fire, and is beginning to actually find joy in life.

I’m so looking forward to continuing this amazing program as Massachusetts reopens from Coronavirus shutdowns.


There Are No Words

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There are no words.

There are no words for the horror of police murdering a man because of hatred, racism, and dehumanization.

There are no words for a man lynched for jogging.

There are no words for a woman killed for being in her home.

There are no words for a white woman weaponizing her fragility to try to harm a black man asking her to obey the law. 

There are no words for watching white supremacists use the cover of protests to foment chaos and destruction of small and minority owned businesses.

There are no words for the terror of unchecked police brutality.


I must speak, even if words are inadequate.

I must speak to say no to the evil of racism in myself and others.

I must heal so that the world can heal.

I must act from a place of love and empathy to help create a just world worthy of peace.

Even if you don’t have words I invite you to speak, to heal, and to act.

You have the capacity to make an impact with your choices, whether you are aware of them or not.

Are you consciously creating your impact or allowing your subconscious mind, wounds, and prejudice to do it for you?


The Spiritual Meaning of Sacrifice and Regeneration

Leaving our comfort zone

Easter always gives me a profound opportunity to reflect on the power of sacrifice. The story of Christ’s sacrifice has always struck a chord in me - because it invites us to learn to sacrifice the lesser for the greater.

While of the history of Christianity as an institution may be disempowering for many, Christ taught that we are children of God, and that we have the capacity to do everything that Christ did and more. Children carry the DNA of their parents, and as they grow into adults, have the capacity to become greater than their parents. 

Easter teaches us that if we want to step out of the paradigm of human struggles and reclaim our power and divinity, we need to be willing sacrifice a whole lot. 

We are living through a time of enormous struggle and pain. We are all being called to make sacrifices at different levels - and it is up to each us to determine if these sacrifices will be destructive or regenerative. 

As I wrote in a post last week, we have the OPPORTUNITY to wake up spiritually, leave behind old patterns, and step into living from our higher spiritual purpose rather than trying to reclaim an old “normal” that in truth, was already a crisis for most people.

This process requires a kind of enlightenment - literally a process of bringing of illumination and clarity of being that is only possible through deep spiritual work - to become aware of where we’ve welcomed the false safety of the familiar and observable to the detriment of our purpose, our soul, and our joy. 

For a chick to grow into an adult, it must have the courage and drive to break out of the shell that has been the only home and safety it has known from day 1, no matter how adorable the exterior pastel paint, or cozy the warmth of the incubator. 

Most of us have a head start, though, because we’ve already long outgrown our shells. They are crumbling, long since stopped providing nourishment, and only serve to stunt our growth. 

So, while this day is a time of sadness and remembrance for many who have experienced loss recently, it is also a call to all of us to sacrifice our shells, whether they are comfortable or crumbling, and begin to stretch our wings on the path to being spiritual adults. I’m excited to see us fly!

Happy Easter with all my love 💗🐣🐥🌷


My Spiritual Lessons from Coronavirus/Covid19

Spiritual Path

A lot of people are feeling overwhelmed and asking me how to understand the spiritual lessons behind the current pandemic. Part of our essence as humans is our capacity to learn and gain mastery, so asking this question is essential.

Something that I’ve been considering is this: what if there aren’t inherent spiritual lessons behind what we are experiencing? 

When I say inherent, I mean ones that we can sit back and receive automatically, regardless of are actively engaging in learning.

The idea that the virus itself is here to teach us something implies that we can sit back and receive those lessons - but what if we need to stay engaged, and choose what will come from this?

What if this is happening because of many unconscious choices amplified over a system of 7+ billion people? 

What if, just like war, the virus is something terrible that, in and of itself, isn’t here to teach us anything? 

What if there isn’t a neat package delivery of lessons for us to find at our doorstep and unwrap passively? 

What if, if we are to learn anything, it is totally in our own hands to CHOOSE to commit ourselves to bringing goodness and beauty into this world?

To do this, we would have to go inside ourselves and ask what good we can bring DESPITE the pain, suffering, and death that is happening. 

We would have to CHOOSE what we are going to learn - and it would be up to each of us to put in the work to ensure that the lessons we learn will drive the humanity’s next steps along our path in a positive direction.

We would have to CHOOSE where we will find opportunity amidst crisis. 

If this is true, what are you choosing to learn?

Here is some of what I’ve been working with, I’d love to hear yours! 

🔥 We have the OPPORTUNITY to wake up spiritually, leave behind old patterns, and step into living from our higher spiritual purpose rather than trying to reclaim an old “normal” that in truth was already a crisis for most people.

🌍 We have the OPPORTUNITY to choose to remember that we are all one and support each other now and once this crisis has passed.

🌱 We have the OPPORTUNITY to start creating healthy, ecologically integrated systems for food, industry, and living that heal and nurture rather than poison.

🤝 We have the OPPORTUNITY to start building the foundations for a peaceful, abundant, and interconnected world for everyone, even if we can’t connect in person at this moment.


The Opposite of Addiction isn't Sobriety, It's Spiritual Connection

For the past 9 months I’ve been working to bring the powerful energy healing work we offer in the Modern Mystery School to women in in-patient drug addiction recovery alongside two other amazing healers, Alex Bynum and Jordan Bain.

After just a few sessions, we’ve seen remarkable improvements, including an average of ~100% improvement in self-reported stress and anxiety and incredible individual results for healing damaging patterns of insomnia, nightmares, and PTSD.

Each person received a series of three weekly healings with a follow-up fourth session a few weeks later:

  1. Life Activation

  2. Ensofic Reiki

  3. Full Spirit Activation - the second part of the Life Activation

  4. Isis Emotional Rebirth

I’m so excited to launch a video of the testimonials from our work and I’d be honored if you’d watch!


Self-Mastery Through Healing the Subconscious Mind

Do you want to have the power to change problems in your life and the world? Healing the subconscious mind is an essential key to your empowerment and consciously creating change a better world for all.

Today I’m sharing about how to heal the potholes of your subconscious mind that are holding you back from self-mastery, higher purpose, and joy.


Energy Healing for Drug and Technology Addiction

Energy Healing for Addiction

Are you struggling with addiction to drugs or technology? Have you started to realize that you may need something in addition to 12 step programs, therapy, yoga, meditation, and acupuncture? Maybe you are realizing that you’re numbing out with your phone or socially acceptable drugs like alcohol and cannabis…

I’ve done a lot of energy healing with people in recovery from drug addiction for the past few years. A lot of clients I work with feel that there is more needed to stay in recovery than what they’ve been able to find in 12 step programs and therapy - more even than what yoga, meditation, and acupuncture can offer (even though all of those are awesome and important compliments to what I offer)! The opposite of addiction is connection, but not just any kind of connection - true healing requires a connection to your purpose.

Despite lots of work and often multiple attempts at recovery, they still have core issues of anxiety, depression, and unresolved traumas that leave them hopeless that healing is even possible.

I made a video about how energy healing can help you tackle your challenges from a higher perspective and begin to heal the roots of addiction and distraction so you can find freedom and higher purpose. The same bandaids that make you feel less bad won’t help you live your purpose.

I’d be honored if you’d check it out and message me for a free consultation if you want to learn more!

I spent the earlier half of the past decade struggling. After I nipped addiction in the butt, I was left hollow, extremely anxious, unable to look people in the eyes or hold a conversation without panicking in my head, lethargic, sometimes unable to move my body, lost and downright scared. I had done a LOT of damage on my energetic structure and emotional body. I was in an endless cycle of quiet misery and despair, waiting for relief. It wasn’t until I found the energy healings and meditations through Modern Mystery School Boston with the guidance of Ariana that I started to become present again. I now find myself with an abundance of energy, clarity, awareness and peace that I had not felt since being a young child. My anxiety is gone. GONE. I never thought I would lose that. But thanks to these healings, I have. Gillian - Energy Healer and Yoga Teacher


Conscious New Years Resolutions to Beat Climate Change

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What will you commit to in 2020 and what world do you want to create for the next decade? Over the coming days I’m going to be sharing a variety of ways that you can commit to have a meaningful impact on your own personal/family footprint and in the world around you. I'm starting with energy investments today, but keep an eye out for other personal, political, and systemic changes in future posts.

🌟4 Investments to improve your energy footprint🌟

✅Make your home energy efficient

✅Switch to 100% renewable electricity

✅Install solar and battery storage at your home

✅Drive an electric vehicle

Who else is feeling worried and sad about escalating climate change, species extinction, ocean acidification, and human misery?

Are you ready to start to make positive changes that go beyond bandaids like recycling and bringing reusable bags?

While I’ve been confronting this stuff my whole life and professional career, it doesn’t get easier and I still completely lost it a few weeks ago when I read that Koalas have become functionally extinct in the wild from the fires in Australia this year.

My vision for 2030 is that this coming decade was when humanity truly woke up spiritually and not just slowed the pace of ecological and social destruction - but actually worked together to remember our true spiritual nature, reverse climate change, and build a new foundation for a world of peace, abundance, and balance.

But…right now, we are running ourselves off a cliff rapidly and we need to make massive changes to just about everything to change course. These changes will lead to better lives for us and for everyone - but they will involve sacrifice, inconvenience, stepping outside your comfort zone, and investing your money into projects and changes that matter.

I'm an energy healer and spiritual guide and I’ve been a conscious business and sustainability consultant to corporations, industry, and utilities for over a decade.

What I see is a lot of people and business getting overwhelmed by the pace of destruction and angry by inaction by the federal government. When they act, they end up focusing on tangible, small solutions like banning straws/plastic bags, buying packaging with recycled content, etc. But these changes only have a small impact on the enormous challenges humanity faces and can be a serious distraction from making the big systemic changes that are necessary.

We need more than technological and practical changes.

We need humanity to wake up to our interdependence - and this takes deep spiritual work. We need nothing short of complete spiritual, environmental, and social evolution - and I want to invite each of you to be part of it! What will you commit to in 2020 and what world do you want to create for the coming decade?

Here are 4 Investments I'm making that can make to dramatically reduce your energy footprint! Two keys here are to use less energy and when you do use energy, use better and cleaner energy.

✅#1. Make your home more energy efficient: Get an energy efficiency home audit to guide your way. This is free through MassSave in MA and through many other utility programs in other states. A contractor will come and do basic improvements for free during the audit (like LED light bulbs and low flow shower and sink fixtures). You’ll walk away with a list of of other opportunities like getting a smart thermostat, insulation, heating, cooling, and windows and cash incentives to install them. If you are in MA, you are eligible for a $0 down 0% interest 7-year loan up to $25,000 to implement any recommended improvements you choose. We used this to install a high efficiency heating and hot water system in 2015. If you rent, you can still get the audit, though how much your landlord wants to implement can take serious discussion. There are no “catches” with these - they are paid for by charges you already contribute to every month on your gas and electric bills so all you are doing is asking for your money back!

✅#2. Purchase Clean Electricity: if you live in a state where you can choose your electricity supplier, you can choose a supplier that provides 100% renewable electricity. We get ours through our city (Somerville) that has negotiated cheaper rates, but you can do this without your municipality! Check out - you can quickly sign up to purchase green electricity through a program that costs an extra $10-20/month and the costs are tax deductible. You can also compare options in MA at - be savvy and careful of offers that are really cheap and then have automatic renewals as the companies use these to jack up rates while you aren’t paying attention.

✅#3. Home Solar: we are having solar installed this spring at our house along with a Tesla Powerwall battery. The incentives are slowly going away, but they are still sweet! We will still be getting:

1. 26% federal tax credit,

2.$1000 state tax credit,

3. payments from the utility for both the electricity produced and to use the battery during peak load times (this keeps the dirtiest power plants off the grid in the summer when everyone is using air conditioning).

When you add all the incentives together plus a special solar loan, we will be paying more, but it mostly it is for the battery - just the solar would be close to net-neutral! My two favorite companies in MA are SunBug and Revision Energy (I’ve used SunBug for corporate clients and Revision for our home). The federal tax credit is slowly going away as are the additional utility payments that make this sweet. You can easily compare solar offers at

✅#4. Drive an Electric Car: when you can, walk or bike but when you need to drive, there are amazing options coming onto the market in 2020 for plug-in hybrid cars and fully electric vehicles where you can get great tax credits (up to $4500 for plug-in hybrids and $7500 for fully electric). The size of the federal tax credit depends on the car maker, whether its fully electric or a hybrid, and how many units they’ve sold already. Combine an electric vehicle with purchasing 100% renewable energy at home and, voila, you have a renewable energy powered car (whenever you charge it at home). You can view basics of cars and the tax credits for them here (along with state incentives if you live in MA or RI):

Want to learn more about changing the world and increasing your impact? Let’s have a chat!

**I do not receive any kind of commission or payments from any of these links
