Holiday Charity Fundraiser

We had such an amazing time on Sunday at our 2nd annual Charity Holiday Open House and Healing Clinic at Modern Mystery School Boston!

We started with a Meeting of the Wands in the morning for Life Activation Practitioners and then opened up in the afternoon for a public healing clinic and light filled holiday cheer

I am so grateful for everyone's generosity and hard work in helping us raise $4,000 for the the Holiday Assistance Program at DOVE, Inc.

Peace starts within each of us remembering the spark of who we are - and then sharing it with others!

There may be lots of pain in the world, but it is really beautiful to see the Magick that can happen when a community of Guides and Life Activation Practitioners work together to spread light in the world and pave the way for hope.

100% of the proceeds are being donated to DOVE, and these funds will provide holiday gifts for 40 people recovering from domestic violence.

Happy Holidays and so much love ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Witching Season!

It is witching season and my favorite time of year!

This is a very special time where the veils between the physical world and spirit grow thin - both magickal beings and our ancestors can walk amongst us. So many people are drawn toward magick and mystery.

This time is created by the shift in seasons and the turning of the solar calendar between the Fall Equinox and Halloween (Mabon and Samhain on the Wiccan Calendar).

We are surrounded by so many seemingly impossible challenges right now - magick and spirit are the important allies when miracles are needed.

I'm so excited to be teaching two upcoming weekends of incredible classes in this special energy:

Sacred Geometry: fundamentals of awakening the original language of creation in your being *and* learning to create temples of light anywhere you are. Side effects include peace, calm, protection, energetic support and better sleep!

Astral Travel: the art and science of shifting your consciousness to travel to the 7th spiritual dimension, the Akashic Zone, anywhere in the known universe, and to know yourself more deeply.

Journeys of the Spirit: core shamanic training to explore the sacred and multidimensional nature of our world *totally free from substances.* Learning to use these tools awakens a new level of intuition, shifts your into living more as your Higher Self.

12 Races of Earth: introduction to many of the magickal elemental beings of Earth - their purpose and function!

Message me if you want to join!

How to Build an Advanced Society Based on Trust

The foundations of a good society are built on trust.

Trust isn't built just by people obeying the law, although that is important.

Trust isn’t built just by the laws being just, although that is important, too.

Trust is built, in particular, by people doing things for each other from a place of generosity and kindness.

Our lives didn't used to have apps to deliver everything to our doors and do everything for us.

We used to regularly ask neighbors for baking ingredients, get friends to give us rides, help each other shovel, watch each other's kids (or pets), and share in the good times and bad.

Now, many people don't even know the names of the people who live on their block.

We don't ask for help freely, nor do we give it.

Everything is monetized. Everything is measured.

And, in this, we lose something.

Did you know that asking someone for a small favor that is within their power is actually a proven way to earn their trust?

Did you know that working with someone on a small project in the past is one of the strongest predictors of future trust and collaboration?

We are wired to help each other.

We've evolved biologically to help each other.

We've evolved spiritually to help each other.

All of our biology works better when we are surrounded by trust - and, when we are not, our brains work differently.

Trust allows us to consistently access the higher capacities of our brains - the parts of them that are uniquely human, innovative, and inspiring.

The kind of trust that is built on helping and being helped - free from monetary exchange or legal requirement - is being lost.

And we are left in our political echo chambers of digital media and social media - sliding into thinking that what matters *most* is whether someone else agrees with the specific nuances of our personal stance on everything political under the sun.

We are at a particularly dark and challenging time in the arc of human evolution.

And this week is particularly painful and hard on so many levels.

In the face of all of this, what can I do?

What can you do?

I cannot fix everything.

You cannot fix everything.

But you can ask what kindness and goodness *is* in your power right now, and build from there.

A world of goodness isn't all built on grand acts or declarations.

This doesn't require being a superhero (although if that is your jam, by all means please go for it).

You can show people around you that good people still care.

The day to day lived experience of your life, and those around you, is determined by the kind of trust I'm talking about.

And the best thing is, you have power over it.

You can be kind and patient.

You can be generous.

You can be giving.

You can ask for help.

You can connect with your neighbors.

You can let the car turn at the light in front of you.

You can let a pedestrian cross the street if they've been waiting.

You can hold a door just because.

You can smile and say hi to strangers on the street as you walk past them.

You can introduce yourself to your neighbors.

You can pick up trash in public parks and streets.

You can say hello and thank you to people picking up trash, cleaning restrooms, and doing the dirty work of making society run.

You can donate money, food, or time to organizations that lift people up from the hardest points of life.




There is no right or wrong way to do this.

So, if you want the world to be a better place, what acts of building trust, kindness, and goodness in the world can you do in the coming week?

I'd love to hear your ideas.

We can all add drops and glimmers of light into what can otherwise seem hard and hopeless.

Your light and how you share it matters more deeply than you know.

Learning to Live in the Present and Heal the Wounds of the Past

How much more could you accomplish if you reset the clock of the expectations you have for yourself? Could you drop the ideas of how old you are, what you haven't done, and how you've failed?

I asked a client this today, and then realized how broadly applicable these questions are.

I meet so many people who are weighed down by the past. Often, this heaviness is much greater than the actual challenges they face in the present. They actually often have the capacity to create the life they desire, but that life sits on the other side of a chasm of different flavors of regret, sadness, and shame.

Resetting the clock on the past does not mean lowering expectations for yourself - and it doesn't mean erasing the past.

Many people cope with this chasm by statements to the effect of they "no longer give a F&*k" or they "have no more f&*ks to give" to try to release themselves.

It's good to let go of caring about things that don't matter, like other people's opinions, but often times people are quietly actually trying to absolve themselves of their own opinions.

Creating a life that you truly love that has a positive impact will require caring an enormous amount.

It is essential to hold high standards for yourself, care deeply about yourself, and care deeply about the wellbeing of others (not their opinions).

So, what could your life look like, and what kind of impact could you have, if you were focused on the present *and* still held high expectations for yourself?


I'm Ariana and I guide people to transform addiction, trauma, anxiety, and stress so they can experience meaningful lives filled with connection, purpose, and impact.

There's always hope - message me if you want to chat.

Blessed Mabon and Happy Fall Equinox

Blessed Mabon and Happy Fall Equinox

It was such a joy to gather nearly 40 of us at Modern Mystery School Boston to celebrate the abundant gifts of the Earth and Gaia, welcome the start of fall, and create magick together!

Mabon is the Wiccan holiday celebrating the Fall Equinox and the second harvest - a time of transition in the solar calendar where there is balance between day and night as the year turns towards winter and darkness in the northern hemisphere.

This is a time, literally and proverbially, to gather our harvests and prepare for the quieter and more inward months ahead. If we prepare well, and work with the cycle of the year, the winter can be a deeply powerful time to bring new projects into creation!

I consider between now and Samhain (Halloween) to be witching season - and the time for all things magickal, witchy, and pumpkiny.

How are you celebrating the start of fall and the turning of the year?

Finding Higher Purpose and Joy in Sobriety

One of the greatest challenges our society faces today is addiction.

Addiction is fueled by the disconnection from spirit, soul, and your higher self - and this breakdown is exacerbated by every additional day of substance use.

People who've lived through addiction aren't just facing physical, emotional, and mental challenges:

  • They are facing having damaged their energetic structure including their chakras, etheric body, and aura.

  • They are facing the shattering of their soul.

  • They are facing the emotional weight of all of the difficult emotions that years of using have kept them from processing.

Addiction is often like a terrible, self-perpetuating, snowball of disconnection, trauma, and abuse rolling down a steep hill and heading towards a cliff.

One of the great honors that I have in my life is when people in recovery from addiction and trauma trust me to support them in their spiritual healing and growth - so that they can reconnect to who they truly are, and build a life of meaning and purpose in addition to a foundation of sobriety.

Just trying to stay sober and hoping life will get better can only get you so far. There are ways in which traditional recovery - like working the steps, praying to your higher power, yoga, meditation, and talk therapy - does substantially help people improve how they experience life.

Yet, the opposite of addiction isn’t just social connection - it’s also spiritual connection - but most people don’t realize that even prayer and meditation alone won't rebuild the bridges to your soul and spirit that addiction and trauma have burned.

The process will go much faster, and much farther, with powerful tools for energetic and spiritual transformation that energetically rebuild this connection for you so that your daily personal practice can have a foundation in spirit and your divine essence again.

I'm deeply passionate about making sure that everyone know's about the amazing work we do at Modern Mystery School Boston to help people heal from addiction.

So, I've started to sit down with my clients to interview them about their healing journey and how this process has helped them along the way.

For the first in this series, I’m so grateful to one of our amazing clients, Brad Chesley of Integrity Sober Living, for opening up about his recovery and healing journey from an 11 year opiate addiction that took him through 20+ detoxes, 7 rehabs, 11 sober houses, and 2 years in prison.

He’s been sober since August 25, 2020.

What started with just staying sober one day at a time has evolved into creating a life with purpose and joy based in service to others

He’s done this in just a few months with the incredible tools and healings we have in the Modern Mystery School:

  1. Life Activation

  2. Empower Thyself Initiation

  3. Healer’s Academy

If you, or someone you love, are ready to transform your experience of sobriety and start to experience real spiritual connection, hope, purpose, and joy - message me to set up a free virtual consultation

There is HOPE and you’ve got this!

This work has evolved from a long term project to help people in recovery and I'm deeply grateful to everyone who has been pivotal in the process so far - Angela Shepherd, Gillian Sullivan, Alex Bynum, and Jordan Bain!

Advocating for Better Protections for Energy Healing in Massachusetts

The world needs a whole lot of people who care a lot.

A number of us Spiritual Guides and Energy Healers from Modern Mystery School Boston spent the afternoon at the Massachusetts State House in downton Boston testifying to make sure that people in Massachusetts continue to have access to energy healing and other forms of complimentary, holistic, and alternative healing.

We are particularly grateful to Representative Donald Wong for his ongoing leadership and support on these issues.

For many years now, bills keep getting (re)introduced to create unnecessary and prohibitive licensing schemes for a whole range of healing modalities, cultural practices, spiritual practices, and religious practices.

The bills get introduced under the auspices of protecting people from sex trafficking, yet somehow fail to incorporate any of the MA interagency findings on how to actually stop sex trafficking (none of these recommendations have anything to do with regulating healing work).

Do I like taking a day to go to the State House?

Actually, yes, getting involved in the nitty gritty of policy making is one of the most important ways you can be patriotic there is no one day when this is convenient, but it is SO important. I continue to be inspired by our democracy and what’s possible.

If you find yourself complaining about politics, please get involved at the state house. You may be surprised by what you find.

If you care about this work please:

1. Contact your representative and your senator to let them know that this isn’t ok

2. Message me and I will send you the details for contacting the professional licensure committee members to submit your opposition

Committing to Big Transformation


🔥 "I’ve learned and healed more in 6 months than in 34 years of my life."

🔥 "I feel like a completely different person in just 11 weeks."

🔥 "There’s this huge issue that’s been weighing down my life and I’ve never thought that I’d get past it. Since our session last week, I’m seeing how I can be free - I’m not there yet, but I know it’s possible."

These are actual statements last week from three clients engaged in a deep 3 month 1:1 healing series that I offer.

As a healer and spiritual guide, it is so humbling and wonderful to see how much it is possible for people to shift their life's trajectory when they commit to doing the work 💗💗💗

The first two were wrapping up the series and the third is just on her second session 🤩  It takes you on an intense healing journey to reconfigure your body, mind, and soul so you can step into a higher arc of your life.

When clients start to work with me, they've often already harvested the low hanging fruit in their journey through tools like therapy, meditation, yoga, or coaching. If further healing and growth was easy or quick, they would have done it already. They know that if they want to keep growing, they need to work with and heal the parts of themselves that they haven't seen yet and don't know how to access on their own.

The series is hard AF at points - most clients find themselves wanting to quit or finding really good reasons to postpone healing sessions while they are in the middle of it 🤪 but finishing is always worth it no matter what obstacles arise.

🙌 as with anything in life, big transformation takes big commitment 😘

Learning the Language of Your Soul


“I don’t get angry.”

This was an actual statement that I made to a roommate of mine in grad school. His response: “that doesn’t sound very healthy.”

Like a lot of people, I had a really a mixed relationship with my emotions by the time I was in my 20s. I had spent the previous decade trying to be successful and live my purpose - and a real range of emotions didn’t fit into my picture of success. They felt inconvenient, messy, scary, and unsafe.

I did whatever I could to not have to deal with them 🙈🙉🙊 I got really into overworking, quantitative analysis, and spreadsheet programming. I got aggressively good at endurance and adventure sports. I drank heavily. I got stuck in drama loops in romantic relationships. I checked a lot of boxes and found myself less and less happy and fulfilled and it wasn’t clear why.

The challenge for me was that emotions are part of the language of our soul and inner compass 🧭 they are our guidance system for getting in alignment with our higher purpose and self.

The unexpressed energy from rejected emotions gets clogged up in the physical body, the aura, and the soul and shuts down our connection to inner guidance.

What I discovered was that if I wanted to really live my higher purpose and find joy, I was going to need to deal with all my back log and develop a real relationship with my soul.

Not experiencing emotions in real time is like ordering box after box from Amazon and allowing them to stack up at your home without ever opening them.

Over time, things start to get quite cluttered; it becomes a lot less fun to spend time at home and is hard to focus or concentrate on what matters.

When emotional baggage builds up, it clouds our intuition and ability to create new things in life and repeatedly drags us into the same old issues and fears. It infuses everything with stress and anxiety that are difficult to resolve because they aren’t rooted in the present time.

Eventually, if we don't deal with our old emotional junk, we don't have much room to live enjoyably.

When people first work with me, they desire a life of purpose, impact, and connection but that life feels like it’s always a little outside their reach because old patterns, stress, and anxieties keep roping them back in.

The truth is that they already have a beautiful spiritual home ripe with possibility that is often filled with enough unopened emotional junk that they only are familiar with living in a small corner of a single room.

This may be showing up in your life a range of ways like:

✨distractions, mental clutter, and fears blocking your creativity and connection to purpose

✨feeling incomplete and anxious despite outward “successes”

✨missing the sense of purpose and connection you had when you were younger

✨hearing the word "I should" in your mind more than you hear "I want"

✨stress or anxiety that you don't know how to shake despite therapy or meditation

The work we do together gives them the tools and energetic support they need to clean house and clear out the old emotional clutter ☀️so that light can start to pour in and illuminate all of the ways that they are already awesome and amazing.

In the process, they begin to remember the limitless nature of who they truly are and build a life of purpose they want to be in all the time 🔥

My Body is a Temple


My body is a temple

To the mysteries of my soul

To all the goodness and beauty that is yet unmanifested

To the unique sparks of divinity that only I can express


We keep revered temples clean and cared for; not for the sake of cleanliness or just for them to look good for tourists...

We care for them because they are akin to antennae for higher spiritual energies, a place into which we invite the divine 🔥

The clearer and more focused the temple, the clearer and more resonant the energies.

Your body is your greatest temple - a temple for your soul and spirit to dwell 🙏

The clearer it is, the better your guidance and understanding of your purpose becomes.

🙌 Your body isn't here to fit into norms that other people heap on you and it definitely isn't for the tourists 🙌

It is here to be nourished, cared for, and treated as the sacred space that it truly is ❤️

There is a universe of beauty and goodness that is uniquely yours to express when you open the doors of your temple to welcome in the divinity that is within you 💫🌌

Making Better Choices

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We talked a lot about choice this weekend in Empower Thyself🔥

Specifically how the wounds of the past shape what we perceive as possible now ➡️ aka what we think is "just the way things are".

What does it take to make better choices and be able to envision a life we can enjoy?

🙌Seeing where your subconscious mind and unseen fears are keeping you locked in harmful patterns, negative thoughts, and anxiety about the future 🙌

Our EXPERIENCE of life is determined by the choices we make every second, every minute, every hour.

One of the huge reasons why Empower Thyself Initiation is so life changing is because it gives people a giant spotlight powered by your spirit and your higher self so you can see what the subconscious mind is ACTUALLY doing - and begin to make better choices 🚀

When you can consistently make good choices that support the highest expression of yourself, it adds up quickly to a life that looks very different...

and, over time, begins to form the foundation for a life that you truly love and enjoy.

How would your experience of life change if you intuitively knew what was in your highest good and had the strength and courage to choose it all the time?

Spiritually Transforming Hate into Love

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Today is snowy perfection ❄️ days like this are part of why I adore living in Boston 🕊

It's 32º and big fluffy flakes are falling heavily and painting everything beautiful it warms my heart and I've spent hours outside today running, walking, and playing in the snow with my husband and our dog...

Something struck me today.

You know what my least favorite weather is?

34º and raining I'm cold and everything feels mean and ugly 🥶

It is just a 1-2ºF difference for me between love and hate, beauty and ugliness...

It got me thinking about the separation, hatred, and seemingly intractable differences and conflicts that we are all facing these days.

Hermetic science tells us that pairs of opposites are the same in nature, but differ by degree: hot and cold, wet and dry, love and hate, fear and courage.

This means that each pair is on a spectrum together, and that it is possible to shift what is happening - what you need for success are spiritual mastery and higher perspective.

For example, what I perceive as hot and cold are both temperature. The only difference between them is vibration - this is true both spiritually and physically.

Love and hate work the same way. They are varying degrees on the same spectrum - and we've all experienced how one can easily flip to the other.

What if many of the conflicts that we have are actually just a couple of degrees away from flipping over from yucky into beautiful?

Would you know how to identify them and how to nudge them from hate into love?

Meaningful empowerment requires the wisdom to identify these leverage points and know how to shift them towards the good for all 🔥

What do you need to do claim your power?

Are We Really Alone?


"The moment we know that we are not alone, that we are almost certainly not the most advanced civilization ever to have existed in the cosmos, we will realize that we've spent more funds developing the means to destroy all life on the planet than it would have cost to preserve it." - Avi Loeb, Former Harvard Chair of Astronomy in his new book documenting the first signs of intelligent (and advanced) life beyond earth.

I love seeing both the findings and ethics of astrophysics catching up to what we've been teaching in metaphysics for so long:

✨We are not alone in this universe and part of our challenge in our time on earth is to understand our higher purpose in the greater cosmos

✨We have all the power and tools that we need to create an abundant and peaceful world for all

✨When we come to see ourselves as one of likely many galactic beings, it is far easier to overcome our differences and work towards our common good

Higher Purpose as the Antidote to Division


I had the immense privilege of teaching Empower Thyself Initiation 🚀 this weekend amidst an intense backdrop.

Our country is facing seemingly unsolvable levels of division, hatred, and disinformation.

In the past, the US has attempted to create unity by standing AGAINST a real or perceived threat. This worked fighting Nazis, but quickly imploded with McCarthyism.

When faced with polarities, people are drawn downward toward either conflict or compromises where no one gets what they want.

Our real hope is finding a higher purpose and calling that invites people upward together towards higher order solutions that confront and solve the issues that everyone is facing.

For this to work, our higher purpose must reach beyond the interests of an individual or a group identity to the greatest good for all.

It is this higher purpose that motivates me as a Healer and Guide to give you the tools and keys 🔥⬇️

✨That you will remember your true nature and why you chose to be here on Earth at this time

✨That you will come to know the goodness and beauty within you so clearly that you can't help but see it in everyone else

✨That you will understand your own higher purpose and step boldly into your role in building a just, loving, and beautiful world for everyone

✨And that your light and inspiration will become so strong that it will stand unwaveringly no matter how heavily darkness falls around you

How to Make 2021 a Better Year

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2020 has been a heck of a year and I know everyone is hoping that 2021 is going to be easier.

2021 isn't going to be EASIER.

It's probably going to be a hot mess in many ways.

Yes, there is a chance that a handful of the wealthiest countries in the world will be substantially past the threat of Covid a year from now, and that is pretty exciting...

...but everywhere else will still be struggling with it and all of us will still have every other pressing challenge to face: separation, racism, inequality, catastrophic climate change, mass extinction of the planet's biodiversity, ascendant dictatorship and authoritarianism, war, and poverty, to name a few.

BUT you are the key to a better world and 2021 can be BETTER if you

❤️ Ditch old habits and addictions so you can focus on what really matters

✨ Heal the wounds and trauma that keep you playing it safe and small

🔥 Step into your power spiritually and direct your choices from your higher purpose

🦋 Understand your unique role in serving humanity

If you want things to BE different, you have to do things that ARE different.

I have amazing tools and support to exponentially speed up your progress and learning enough to look back in December 2021 and barely recognize your life.

Come have a chat with me if you want to know where to start 💫

Lots of Love and Blessings for the New Year 💋🕊🦌🌲


Happy Halloween & Blessed Samhain


Happy Halloween 🎃 Blessed Samhain 🍁 Happy Full Moon 🌕

Sitting at the cross quarter between the Equinox and the Solstice, so many traditions celebrate around this time. As the sun light fades, we are presented with the test of holding light and illumination for ourselves. Samhain is a particularly beautiful time in the pagan wheel of the year where the dimensional veils are at their thinnest and we have access to much deeper connection, intuition, and our ancestor’s wisdom and guidance.

The full moon brings illumination to the subconscious mind, to our hidden inner workings of how we manifest and create - or how we stop ourselves from greatness. It also helps use understand where our addictions and dependencies, both physical and emotional, keep us from experiencing true freedom and choice within ourselves.

We are in such a unique time of turmoil and change, where emotions are running high. The coming winter months will be challenging in so many ways.

Now is a time to do your own inner work, and gather your strength, so that you can become a light for yourself and the world.

I believe in you 🔥 I believe in us 💋


Alchemy and Magick for Deep Emotional Pain


Clients often ask me how to incorporate practices like positive affirmations and law of attraction into the work that we are doing together.

There is a quick answer: I don’t.

Say what?

This is such a common thread in spirituality right now that it comes as a surprise to people.

Why wouldn’t you want to just focus on positive things? In a world overflowing with negatives, it is really tempting.

Don't get me wrong, positivity and affirmations may have a role in your healing, but they rarely provide lasting healing when people are ready go really deep with their transformation

And for most people, deep transformation is needed to live your purpose and make the profound impact in the world that is needed to build new systems to replace the ones that are destructive and crumbling.

Think of some practical examples:

⚡️If you cut yourself to the bone, do you tell yourself that everything is fine and focus on the parts of you that aren’t in pain and at risk of infection … or do you seek the medical attention you need to heal the injury cleanly?

⚡️If your house has a crumbling foundation, do you build an addition onto the top floor and repeat affirmations to yourself that your foundation is strong … or do you rebuild your house’s foundation and structural integrity so that it can withstand any storm?

⚡️If a child was beaten and neglected by their parents, would you tell them to focus on the positive … or would you do whatever it takes to help them be and feel safe?

The wrong moves in these scenarios could result in death, structural collapse, and emotional gaslighting and abuse of the child.

So, why would you think that when you have deep spiritual, emotional, and sometimes physical wounds from your childhood, your ancestry, and your social programming, that focusing on or affirming feeling positive in the present will create lasting change?

The practice of Magick and Alchemy involve transforming something into something else 🔥 not ignoring something and focusing on something else that feels better.

And it definitely does not involve telling yourself affirmations that gaslight yourself and your soul when they are calling out to be healed.

Your body keeps score. Your soul keeps score.

In Alchemy we take the Prima Materia, or the junk, pain, and mud of your life, and use it as the fuel for the fires of true transformation.

The long term product is the repair, unity, and wholeness of everything you have experienced, of your body, soul, and spirit.

Nothing is ignored, nothing is rejected, nothing is discarded, nothing is left behind.

Everything is transformed, no matter how dark, painful, shameful, or difficult.

You have to know what you are starting with to make use of your fuel - and that involves acknowledging things as they are and telling yourself the truth, even when it is painful

You have to be willing to acknowledge the pain and suffering that you have experienced and work with the parts of you that are not at all ok.

If your life isn’t working and feeling like you want it to, chances are that you have aspects of you that you are rejecting or pushing away.

If you want to make progress, you have to have the self-worth and courage to break out of your spiritual comfort zone - and move beyond only focusing on where you are positive, upbeat, successful, socially accepted, or feel good.

It is precisely this discomfort zone that contains all the fuel you need to launch your Alchemical journey and shift into a new life of defined by unity, wholeness, and joy.

This isn’t easy, and it definitely isn’t popular, but it is what is needed.

You are 100% worth it and I believe in you 💋

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” - Carl Jung


Using Spiritual Tools to Support Your Journey

Yesterday we hiked Liberty Springs, the first trail I ever did when I first started hiking and backpacking in 1999.

It's a hard trail between 8.5 miles roundtrip and over 3,000 feet of elevation gain and then drop again over just a few of those miles.

In 1999, I can remember immediately falling in love with the feel of being in the mountains and the connection between Earth and Sky, but I was woefully underprepared for the trip. I had neither the gear nor experience to do anything other than be miserable, cold, and in pain for the vast majority of the 4 days of the adventure. My brother and I still found ways to have fun and laugh at at ourselves, but misery was still the underlying theme behind it all.

I’ve been blessed to spend many weeks and months exploring some of the great mountain ranges of the world since then and immerse myself in places like the Himalayas, New Zealand, and the Canadian Rockies. Yet, many aspects of misery wove as threads throughout these adventures due to chronic pain in my feet and body, improper gear, and lack of planning.

I would intermittently meet someone on my travels who seemed like they were genuinely having a wonderful time, but most people seemed like they were struggling as well. I began to ask myself if I was missing something.

Finally, 15 years after I started hiking and backpacking, I talked through a number of my issues with someone who had a lot more knowledge and experience than I did. He recommended that I get trekking poles.

I had hated the idea of trekking poles and thought that they were a crutch that would lead to me being weaker or dependent on something outside of myself to be able to function.

He helped me understand that poles aren't a crutch, they are a TOOL that would help me.

Once I started hiking with poles, I was blown away at how much they helped.

🔥 I could use much less energy to accomplish the same hike, or use the same amount of energy to go farther

🔥 I could eliminate the chronic pain and physical misery I had endured for years

🔥 I could catch myself on challenging terrain before I fell

🔥 Most importantly, I could truly just experience joy from my adventures for the first time ever and stopped having to settle for fun amidst the misery

Our time here on earth is the greatest adventure we’ve ever taken and you are here to live with joy - not just to find fleeting fun amidst the misery.

The spiritual tools that I teach are essential spiritual equipment for the journey that most people are missing. They work much like trekking poles have worked for me. It's not that you can't make it through the adventure without them, but when people choose to apply them, you

✨ Travel through this world with greater ease and move faster through the enormous challenges that we are facing

✨ Eliminate the chronic pain and misery that most people have come to accept as normal in their lives

✨ Catch yourself, your subconscious, and your negative ego’s tricks before they take you down

✨ And most importantly, help you find a path to experiencing life as true joy as you make the world a better place for everyone


How Can I Save the World?


"The earth isn’t dying, it is being killed and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” - Utah Phillips

I used to return to this ethos frequently, in a self-satisfied manner, that there are people out there responsible for the destruction of our world and if we work hard enough, we can get them to change.

It's tempting to see the through the lens of wanting other people to change - especially when we see the world on fire in some places and people drowning in others.

But the truth is that if we want to have even a livable planet (never mind the thriving, just, and peaceful world of my visions) we each have to change and do so fundamentally.

Recycling won’t save us.

Solar panels won’t save us.

Wind turbines won’t save us.

Electric cars won’t save us.

Organic food won’t save us.

Composting won’t save us.

Nothing is coming to save us.

There is no technological silver bullet of salvation that is going to fix the mess that we've made overnight.

There is just us, individually and together, that have the capacity to create new ways of being that are fundamentally healing, regenerative, and abundant.

We will only be able to create new systems when we shift on the inside - to align ourselves with goodness and beauty that can flow to every system.

Every aspect of our lives needs redesign and an upside to how many challenges we face is that every single one of us is needed.

There is no such thing as a sustainable person, technology, product, etc. There are only sustainable communities, societies, and planets.

You, with your unique purpose and gifts, are desperately needed to build a new world for everyone. I hope you'll come along for the adventure.


Conscious Leadership and Igniting Your Passions

Conscious Leadership

I know I talk a lot about the amazing results that my clients get from #LifeActivation and #Initiation in a matter of weeks and months, but what is even more inspiring is what is possible when people pursue this path for years, get regular healings, and take further steps like #Kabbalah

I was speaking with a client yesterday with whom I’ve worked for over three years.

She was already a successful CEO when we started working together, but for her, work and purpose were not aligned - work was how to make money, charity was how to do good - and had anxieties and negative patterns that didn’t support the life she wanted to create.

Fast forward to now, she:

🦋 has shifted her thoughts for good, and anxiety and negativity are a thing of the past

✨understands her unique purpose and how she can have a positive impact, empower others, and shift the rising tide of negativity and polarization in society

🔥has successfully pivoted her company and team to align with her vision

☀️ and has dramatically increased her revenue and professional respect along with high profile new clients seeking her out

The beautiful world that we all want to live in is going to be created by each of us having the empowerment to live our purpose from the inside out. I love my work and hope you can join me 💋
