Learning to Live in the Present and Heal the Wounds of the Past

How much more could you accomplish if you reset the clock of the expectations you have for yourself? Could you drop the ideas of how old you are, what you haven't done, and how you've failed?

I asked a client this today, and then realized how broadly applicable these questions are.

I meet so many people who are weighed down by the past. Often, this heaviness is much greater than the actual challenges they face in the present. They actually often have the capacity to create the life they desire, but that life sits on the other side of a chasm of different flavors of regret, sadness, and shame.

Resetting the clock on the past does not mean lowering expectations for yourself - and it doesn't mean erasing the past.

Many people cope with this chasm by statements to the effect of they "no longer give a F&*k" or they "have no more f&*ks to give" to try to release themselves.

It's good to let go of caring about things that don't matter, like other people's opinions, but often times people are quietly actually trying to absolve themselves of their own opinions.

Creating a life that you truly love that has a positive impact will require caring an enormous amount.

It is essential to hold high standards for yourself, care deeply about yourself, and care deeply about the wellbeing of others (not their opinions).

So, what could your life look like, and what kind of impact could you have, if you were focused on the present *and* still held high expectations for yourself?


I'm Ariana and I guide people to transform addiction, trauma, anxiety, and stress so they can experience meaningful lives filled with connection, purpose, and impact.

There's always hope - message me if you want to chat.