Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation Testimonials and Reviews

curious about what we offer at a spiritual school like Modern Mystery School Boston - Empower Thyself Initiation, Universal Kabbalah, Energy Healing, and Life Activation - and find yourself asking “does it work” or “what can energy healing do for me”?

I feel as though I have healed more in 11 weeks then I have in 34 years. After the 11 week King Salomon Healing series, my perspective and outlook on life has changed. This series has truly saved my life and broken the cycle of my addictive patterns/behaviors and overall sense of who I thought I was. Situations that would send me spiraling in the past no longer provoke extreme anxiety. I am able to stay present and show up for my life now instead of numbing and running away. I feel as though I am beginning to align with my purpose in life and have more courage to pursue what I've always wanted, but have been too fearful to start in the past. This series has accelerated my ability to look at and heal painful feelings and emotions that I have numbed through external sources (drugs, alcohol, food, relationships, negative patterns of behavior) and has helped ease me back into the flow of life. I am able to navigate my day to day life with ease and gratitude for my current situation. I am able to be present and in the moment because I am not worrying about trivial things and I know I am being taken care of by something greater than me. I am not the same person I was when I first started the healing series. Words fail to describe the profound and wonderful ways this healing has changed my mindset, my attitude, and my behavior. - Caitlin

If you’re seeking a great transformation in your personal and professional life, I highly recommend Ariana Bain. She has been a wonderful guide in my Spiritual progression, offering amazing classes, especially Empower Thyself. My 1st initiation has created a significant impact on my life. I have expanded my awareness and unleashed more passion and power. Also, it has helped me to take my creativity and intuition to the next level as a creator, and innovator. Moreover, the initiation empowered my whole being with healing and enlightenment to be balanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you, Ariana! Light, Life, and Love.”
David H - Healthcare innovator, Serial Social Entrepreneur, Passionate Founder

During the Life Activation sessions, what I saw was that Ariana is masterful healer. She’s grounded and fully present with her clients even while engaging with powerful healing magick. I felt very safe, relaxed, and connected to myself and Ariana.

Although I don’t fully understand all that happened in the Life Activations, I had profound experiences of healing and clarification in my life afterwards. My intuition became more accessible. I was able to hear my inner knowing in regards to a medical problem I didn’t know about that needed immediate attention. I will forever be grateful for the clearing and alignment from the Life Activations that empowered me to hear and know. I also experienced a lot of energetic clearing of my physical body ie kundalini healings. The Life Activations also opened up new possibilities for connecting with others. I have several new people in my life that are grounded, heart centered, and interesting that I really, really like.

Ariana is also very skilled in integration and grounding after a healing. We took time to discuss my experience, answer questions, and come back to the here and now. Her space is sacred and kept clean and bright. I always look forward to going there. I highly recommend Ariana as a healer. Julia - Pharmaceutical Research Scientist

The King Salomon Healing series was a deep dive into core issues that I didn't even know were there. It was as if a veil was removed from in front of me and I was able to see things more clearly, and for what they were - coping mechanisms and old patterns that were ultimately detrimental to my progress and even my health. Ariana’s loving and firm support was instrumental during this process, as there were clearly weeks in which I was trudging through spiritual mud. She helped me frame what was coming up for me and give me a new way to look at it, and gave me advice on the tools I could use to help me process each challenge quicker. You do have to put in the work, but I’m so glad I did it, I feel like a completely different person in just 11 weeks!

I have always been a seeker, and since I started working with Ariana in the last few months and received Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation, I have entered a different realm! The Light shines so brightly within and through her, deeply healing parts of me I thought were lost forever. Thank you Ariana! Ilene - CEO & Keynote Speaker

Before Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation with Ariana, I was feeling stuck. Despite daily yoga and meditation, I felt unable to shake some self-sabotaging patterns - anxiety, insecurity, and self-doubt, to name a few. After Life Activation and Initiation, a whole new world opened up to me. I became filled with a sense of well-being, peace, joy, clarity and possibility everywhere I went. My creativity and confidence flourished. I started trusting myself. My anxiety levels decreased dramatically and have continued to decrease. Now, over a year later, I can still say that I'm receiving benefits from those sessions - not just on a personal level but professionally and in my relationships, as well! SO grateful for you, Ariana! Lindsey - Author, Energy Healer, Speaker, and Mindfulness Guide

I spent the earlier half of the past decade struggling. After I nipped addiction in the butt, I was left hollow, extremely anxious, unable to look people in the eyes or hold a conversation without panicking in my head, lethargic, sometimes unable to move my body, lost and downright scared. I had done a LOT of damage on my energetic structure and emotional body. I was in an endless cycle of quiet misery and despair, waiting for relief. It wasn’t until I found the energy healings and meditations through Modern Mystery School Boston with the guidance of Ariana that I started to become present again. I now find myself with an abundance of energy, clarity, awareness and peace that I had not felt since being a young child. My anxiety is gone. GONE. I never thought I would lose that. But thanks to these healings, I have. Gillian - Energy Healer and Yoga Teacher

Life can be a mystery, unpredictable, and abstract. As a quick learner, I have become a jack of all trades. My life's mission has been tough to narrow down. Ariana has provided language and tools to name the nameless, and ground in my true calling. In our work together, I have seen in her a liberating model of being that liberated me to serve in the same way for others in my own way/flavor. Actualizing my life's purpose no longer seems daunting or a haunting desire, nor just a dream or a wish, but it is now a palpable possibility. I am glad our paths crossed because life's secret has been activated and I am enjoying every minute of it. Victor - Entrepreneur, Artist, Strategist, and Innovator

Ariana is a very clear, supportive, and caring spiritual guide. When we first talked, I connected with her intellectually, as she's super smart, and she made logical sense out of metaphysics. I was in an unhealthy relationship giving much of my power away, and Ariana suggested going through a Life Activation and embarking upon the Empower Thyself course. I flew from Washington DC to Boston to her beautiful center. The Life Activation re-aligned me with my truth, the relationship that wasn't serving me ended, and I became gradually more aware of my vocation and life purpose. Her passion and in-depth knowledge made the Empower Thyself Initiation fun and enlightening. I left with tools that help me stay centered, intuitively guided, and firmly walk a path of authenticity. I wish everyone would be activated and initiated, the world would be a much more loving place. Silvia - Technology Sales Executive

My anxiety and depression have been dramatically cut in half, maybe more. I feel like I can make decisions and trust my intuition when it comes to those decisions now. Before I did this, I would pray but never felt a connection and now I’m relying on my higher power for everything. If you’re skeptical, just do it because you are going to feel so different even after the first one. Britney

It was so great to meet and work with you [for the Life Activation]. I am feeling amazing! I’m sleeping so well, waking up rested and actually staying awake during the day. My mood has been so chilled out and I feel a weight lifted off of me. I am so happy! Thank you. Misty - Nurse

I have been in addiction recovery for 30 years. During that time, I have been seeking and growing spiritually - spirituality is a cornerstone of the healing needed for recovery. I have been working professionally in the recovery field for 23 years. Partnering both personally and professionally with the Modern Mystery School Boston has been life changing.

Through Life Activation I have received a freedom and peace in my spirit that I was not aware was possible. The changes I had been working on through various means of self-improvement moved from information to knowledge and true experience through life activation. During Life Activation I felt the light and love that I knew were divinely mine, flow through me with the purest energy. I was able to understand and state my intentions with detachment from old patterns and fears. I knew and trusted my energetic boundaries in the most loving way, and felt a freedom to let others simply be who they were meant to be. Life activation sparked in me a desire to learn in grow with confidence, openness, and fearlessness.

Before Initiation, I thought I was open-minded and willing to grow and change, but it turns out it was somewhat on my terms. Initiation gave me tools to truly challenge myself to live in openness and honesty. I have discovered energetic patterns that once held me to limitations within myself no longer determine my choices. My flow at work continues to be so much more productive since Initiation, and really committing to transparency, honesty, and change feels amazing!

This has freed me to really enjoy moments, even the most uncertain ones, feeling free and safe. Letting go of control has never been so joyous, including letting others work out their conflicts and not feeling responsible or burdened by them. Angela - Addiction Recovery Center Director

I feel like receiving both the Celestial Code and Etheric Reconstruction while I’m studying Universal Kabbalah has been the biggest gift I could have ever received to put things in high gear for transformation. The Etheric Reconstruction has been beyond words amazing! And when I say amazing - it’s not a joy ride. It’s more like a map has unfolded within me and it’s at the forefront of where I’m going everyday. It’s been a journey! And I’m starting to feel like I can move through the process of self forgiveness, revealing who I am, which is more beautiful than the person I’d become. Like literally letting go of the burden I’ve carried because all is forgiven and free to move forward in a way that serves me as the magical being I am...I’m feeling like I’m moving into a state of redemption - which is very different for me and different from my cycle of self forgiveness. For the first time in my life, I’m feeling empowered, free spirited and worthy of love. Denise - Yoga Teacher

Curious how Life Activation, Energy Healing, and Initiation can help you? Schedule a Free Consultation with Me to explore your challenges and goals

Ariana!!!!!! The change in my husband is literally a miracle, I can’t even believe this is real life. In the few days since his Etheric Reconstruction healing on Friday, we’ve made an entire plan to finish our basement, kitchen and floor our entire house, like full estimate done, contractors booked, materials picked and my husband was present and critical problem solving the WHOLE time. He has called all the clients he’s been procrastinating dealing with, we went on an actual spontaneous family outing, he stopped all his behavioral tics and physical movements. He’s actually present! I woke up Saturday morning having a deep visceral reaction to being ridiculously romantically attracted to him. He’s a real human being, who navigates and lives life!!!!!!! He’s parenting too, like actually productively parenting. My debilitating anxiety over our life is GONE, like we’re gonna succeed, and make it, and it’s all going to work!!! What’s interesting is he doesn’t notice, he thinks he was always doing things this way. Aaaah thank you so much! Christina - Herbalist

When I scheduled the Life Activation, I was struggling with Lyme disease, Hashimoto’s disease, and depression. Without know exactly what the Life Activation was going to do for me, I was astonished by the outcome. Ariana was very professional and made me feel comfortable. When I woke up the next day, half of my Lyme symptoms were gone. I was flooded with high vibrational energy - the night terrors and depression that I had struggled with for most of my life were gone. I went on to receive the Isis Emotional Rebirth Healing and Empower Thyself Initiation and began to notice my relationships with others becoming more authentic and I started acquiring more abundance. The fruition of my dreams presented themselves rapidly and I feel as though I've healed trauma that I thought would take decades. I'm now diving deeper into the sea of my soul to bring forth more joy and peace in others. I truly cannot image the life I'd be leading now if it weren't for this incredible ancient healing work. Eternal gratitude to the beautiful Ariana for her dedication, wisdom, and pure guidance. Mary - Sales

The Soul Retrieval healing was a truly life changing experience. Since my childhood I have felt as though an aspect of myself was missing. A part of myself that allowed me to feel love and connection. Trying to live life without this part of myself was really hard. Being a husband and a father was nearly impossible. The Soul Retrieval allowed the parts of me that trauma had chased away to come back. The other day my 3 year old son looked me in the eyes for the first time and we shared a loving connection. Life doesn’t feel impossible anymore. In fact a lot of times it feels beautiful. Allan - Landscaper

I haven’t even begun to tell you how much my life has changed! I’m a survivor of early childhood trauma, domestic violence marriage, alcohol and drug use, growing up in, married to, choosing unhealthy relationships over and over no matter the work I’ve done. EMDR, Craniosacral, 40 years of therapy, CBT, DBT, 12 step programs, college courses, seminars and workshops with top trauma experts (Bessel van der Kolk, Upledger Institute, Pia Melody to name a few) — nothing reached deep enough, far enough, wide enough to bring closure and make permanent change to my feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Until now at age 55! I did Life Activation and thought, this is weird but something happened. Let’s keep going. Went to Empower Thyself and thought, “Okay, I don’t get this and yet I want more.”

I’ve done healings, classes, and more. 

I’m NEVER given advice! I’m being asked questions that empower me to make decisions. It’s not anything I’ve experienced before. AND I am not the same. I am changing, growing, and learning who I AM. If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, try 3 to 5 sessions/classes with Ariana. Jennifer

From the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation I’ve gotten increased energy and clarity, tools for improvement, greater awareness of my own issues, hope and inspiration. This is truly a new way of life and I welcome it :) Roanna - Nurse Practitioner

After the Isis Healing I felt so serene and happy; it really was remarkable! In the weeks since, I have noticed self doubt and self-criticism creeping back in. My goal is to be aware of these thoughts and to accept their existence, but to not let them affect my decisions and path forward. I have lots of ideas to clear my work space and creations to make, so I am working to clear that space in my head as well as the physical space. I do feel more focused and sure of myself and am not lingering on negative thoughts and actions. Jenny - Stay at Home Mom, Artist, and Gardener

Life Activation and Initiation connected me with supportive structures that I could harness for focus, clarity of purpose, and a wellspring of JOY! With these activations, I have the building blocks, support, and aligned structures to take each step towards fulfillment of my own and the collective purpose, a deeply satisfying journey. If joy, clarity, and focus of purpose call you, Ariana embodies this and reflects it in her life. To be clear - the work is yours to do, AND Initiation and Life Activation will catalyze and cohere your inner resources, stimulate your creative access, and support every step you take. Julianna - Healer

Meeting Ariana and doing the Empower Thyself Initiation changed the course of my life. Upon our first meeting, she created such an open, loving, wise, and knowledgeable environment that inspired me to see another spiritual life path that has benefited me greatly. She supports me in every way I imagined a guide and healer to. Her story is inspiring and her way is genuine, honest, intelligent, and loving. I am so grateful to have her in my life. Joye - Community Herbalist

I’ve been meaning to text - my contractions stopped, my blood pressure is down, and my anxiety left after the Galactic Healing. And the baby settled into a good spot. Thank you so much! Also, my desperate need for coffee went away. I used to drink it to steady my heart and anxiety, definitely the most unhealthy quick fix. But haven’t needed it since! Christina - Pregnant Mom (6 months pregnant with early contractions from stress and anxiety)

I first found Ariana through her Ensofic Reiki group healings, where I had a profoundly healing out-of-body experience. I knew that I needed to go back. From there came both the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation. It has been 9 months since then. The tools that were handed down through Empower Thyself have helped me feel more balanced and capable of overcoming obstacles in life. I am more self-aware, which has helped me release old negative thought patterns that held me back from becoming my best self. I highly recommend both the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation, especially if you are ready to evolve and step into your power. I am so happy that I came across this healing center and met Ariana. She is professional, kind, and a blessing to be around. Carolyn - Artist and Healer

I wasn’t sure what to expect with the Life Purpose Reading. I expected to hear a few minor things about my future. Instead I was blown away by what Ariana told me. She was able to read and tell me what was going on for me at this present moment in time, and could see my paths ahead, which she told me about. She validated my chosen career path and spiritual path, which left me weeping with tears of joy with what appeared to her and what was shown. I am so thankful to have had Ariana as my reader. She was sensitive to the information being shown, and her presentation to me was with love, care, and concern. I would pay 10 times the cost of this reading. Linda - Real Estate Broker

Life Activation and Initiation put into motion a process of self-realization that I never could have foreseen. My body and mind throbbed with a new energy and intuition. I became aware of behavioral patterns that no longer served me. I saw clearly the growing opportunities in my life, and I felt empowered to rise up and meet the new challenges with which I was presented. I am grateful for Ariana's wisdom and guidance during this transformational and liberating experience - thank you! Nathan - Mindfulness Teacher

I have much more clarity on how to engage with people on a professional and personal level, as well as how to articulate my life goals. The work I’ve done has resulted in a more energized and cohesive version of me on a consistent basis. I’m so grateful for the tools. Logan - Impact Investment Professional

Over the summer I received the Ensofic Ray three series from Ariana. I first began working with her after a series of staggering personal losses led me to her meditation classes; and her calm, peaceful presence, and care with which she listened provided a port in the proverbial storm. Since then, in addition to meditation, I have received Isis Healing, Life Activation, and Empower Thyself Initiation with her. While all of these had immediate and profound positive impacts, I emerged from Ensofic Ray with a heightened awareness and understanding of my energy, increased patience for and confidence in myself, and more clarity about the obstacles - and opportunities - in my life. It was as though a heavy veil had been lifted, and I instantly felt less friction as I moved through the world. This is not to say that everything has suddenly fallen into place (although many things have!), that I do not still experience challenges, or that I am not at times overwhelmed. But I am moving on a different plane than I was before, one that exists above despair, feels deeply aligned with the universe, and carries me forward, always. I truly feel empowered by the tools I have gained from working with Ariana. While she is always there for me, often uncannily reaching out just when I need her insight, I have become my own port for a storm that never quite makes landfall; even as it approaches, I am able to draw strength from it and marvel at its beauty. Bethany - Social Justice Advocate and Writer

When I met Ariana I was working in Biotech and deeply skeptical that Life Activation could help me in the ways that I needed. At the same time, something within me believed that it was possible to heal the emotional pain, stress, and depression I was experiencing. I am so grateful that I trusted my own intuition and sought help! Not only did I open myself up to a whole new world of joy, possibility, and purpose by receiving the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation, but since then I've been able to shift my life into a whole new state - one I always knew was possible but I didn't know how to find. Julie - Healer and Life Coach

The Isis Emotional Rebirth Healing was the help I was looking for; I still do not understand how it could help me in such subtle and deep ways at the same time. After the session my heart felt so peaceful, light and expanded. I have the habit to rationalize my emotions so I can understand them and fix whatever I am doing wrong, but that didn’t help with the fear I was attached to from a past experience which I thought I was totally over. The morning before the healing session I felt my heart was literally growing in my chest. After the session I found that I could reconcile the emotions of that past experience in my heart and not just in my mind. Now, I acknowledge my past experience in a totally different way and my heart feels much calmer and open. Something shifted in a very positive way inside of me and my mind is giving more space to my heart in my life. Karen - Neurobiologist

I wanted to say thanks. The [Spark of Life] session couldn’t have come at a better time. That Thursday my aunt passed away. I could feel immediately the amazing benefits in my ability to show up, have energy and be there for my family. I possessed a willingness and capacity to be patient and present with others I did not have before. Thank you. Maya - Nurse

I wanted to let you know how strongly I felt the effects of your energy work [Isis Emotional Healing] when I was with my family last weekend. I felt so clear and free, as if I finally know who I am. It made the time with everyone very joyful for me. I am also much less exhausted lately and feeling the positive effects of having given up coffee. Amelie, Counselor
