My Body is a Temple


My body is a temple

To the mysteries of my soul

To all the goodness and beauty that is yet unmanifested

To the unique sparks of divinity that only I can express


We keep revered temples clean and cared for; not for the sake of cleanliness or just for them to look good for tourists...

We care for them because they are akin to antennae for higher spiritual energies, a place into which we invite the divine 🔥

The clearer and more focused the temple, the clearer and more resonant the energies.

Your body is your greatest temple - a temple for your soul and spirit to dwell 🙏

The clearer it is, the better your guidance and understanding of your purpose becomes.

🙌 Your body isn't here to fit into norms that other people heap on you and it definitely isn't for the tourists 🙌

It is here to be nourished, cared for, and treated as the sacred space that it truly is ❤️

There is a universe of beauty and goodness that is uniquely yours to express when you open the doors of your temple to welcome in the divinity that is within you 💫🌌