Higher Purpose as the Antidote to Division


I had the immense privilege of teaching Empower Thyself Initiation 🚀 this weekend amidst an intense backdrop.

Our country is facing seemingly unsolvable levels of division, hatred, and disinformation.

In the past, the US has attempted to create unity by standing AGAINST a real or perceived threat. This worked fighting Nazis, but quickly imploded with McCarthyism.

When faced with polarities, people are drawn downward toward either conflict or compromises where no one gets what they want.

Our real hope is finding a higher purpose and calling that invites people upward together towards higher order solutions that confront and solve the issues that everyone is facing.

For this to work, our higher purpose must reach beyond the interests of an individual or a group identity to the greatest good for all.

It is this higher purpose that motivates me as a Healer and Guide to give you the tools and keys 🔥⬇️

✨That you will remember your true nature and why you chose to be here on Earth at this time

✨That you will come to know the goodness and beauty within you so clearly that you can't help but see it in everyone else

✨That you will understand your own higher purpose and step boldly into your role in building a just, loving, and beautiful world for everyone

✨And that your light and inspiration will become so strong that it will stand unwaveringly no matter how heavily darkness falls around you